



Aircraft can be managed with this module.


Input window

This window is used to maintain aircraft.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Create new aircraftCreate new aircraft
: Save aircraftThe changes in the opened aircraft are saved.
: Delete aircraftThe opened aircraft is deleted without prompting.
: Print aircraftOpens the printer selection window for the opened aircraft.
NotesCreate/edit notes
: OperationsOperations of the aircraft
: Create activity document-
: : NoteCreate activity document
: standard cost-
: : Create new costs (old costs in history)The old costs are given a validity date with today as the end date. New costs with a validity from tomorrow are created. The validity date can be changed as desired and is only to be interpreted as a suggestion by the system.
: : Edit costs (old costs NOT in history)The costs are overwritten, changes cannot be traced later.
: : Detail editing: costsCall up detailed processing for prices
: ValiditySet validity
CloseClose window
SearchCall up list window
new.pngCreate new aircraft
save.pngSave changes
delete.pngDelete aircraft
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.pngPrint aircraft
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
CX_PROCEEDINGS.pngOperations of the aircraft
CX_PROCEEDINGS_new.pngCreate activity document
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
Aircraft data

The Aircraft Data tab is where all general information about the aircraft is maintained:

: IdentificationIdentification of the aircraft
: ManufacturerManufacturer of the aircraft
: Short nameShort name of the aircraft
: aircraft typeType of the aircraft
DescriptionDescription of the aircraft
: EditorResponsible agent of the aircraft
: Cost accounting-
: : Cost unitAssignment of the aircraft to a cost unit
: : Standard costsStandard costs of the aircraft

In the "Characteristics" tab, further characteristic data can be given to the aircraft.

Buttons (features)
CreateA new, local characteristic can be assigned to the aircraft
InsertAn existing characteristic is assigned to the aircraft as a global attribute
RemoveThe characteristic selected in the list is removed from the aircraft
Buttons (input window)
BackThe window is closed without saving changes. If you want to save the changes, you must press the "Save" button.
DeleteThe displayed aircraft is deleted.
NewThe input window is cleared.
SaveChanges to the aircraft are saved. If no changes have been made, the button is locked.

List window

This window is used to list aircraft.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Search-
: : Perform multiple searchPerform multiple search:
All fields are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
: : Reset listReset aircraft list
: Create new aircraftCreate new aircraft
: Edit aircraftThe selected aircraft is opened in the input window.
: Delete aircraftOne or more selected aircraft are deleted without prompting.
: NotesThe editing window for notes is opened for the aircraft selected in the list.
: operationsOpens the task folder for the selected object
: ValidityOpens the validity window of the object. Here the object can be set to invalid or provided with an exchange object.
Copy to clipboardCopy list with aircraft to the clipboard
: CloseClose window
Options Call up the option window
CX_AMOUNT_calculation.pngPerform multiple search: All fields that are marked blue are taken into account in this search. With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at once.
list_clear.pngEmpty list
new.pngCreate new aircraft
open.pngMachining aircraft
delete.pngDelete aircraft
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
CX_PROCEEDINGS.pngDisplay operations
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
copytoclipboard.pngCopy list of aircraft to clipboard
Search fields
IdentificationSearch for aircraft identification
SearchPerform multiple searches:
All fields are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
Advanced searchCall up advanced search
BackThe window is closed.
DeleteThe selected aircraft is deleted.
NewAn empty input window opens.
EditThe current aircraft is displayed in the input window.


Selection window

This window is used to select aircraft

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Search-
: : Perform multiple searchPerform multiple search:
All fields are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
: : Reset listReset aircraft list
CloseClose window
Options Call up the option window
CX_AMOUNT_calculation.pngPerform multiple search: All fields that are marked blue are taken into account in this search. With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at once.
list_clear.pngEmpty list
Search fields
IdentificationSearch for aircraft identification
SearchPerform multiple searches:
All fields are included in this search.
With the multiple search it is possible to search for several criteria at the same time.
Advanced searchCall up advanced search
BackThe selection is cancelled.
SelectThe selected aircraft is taken over.


Option window

All settings for the search can be made here. The window can only be closed with the "OK" button.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Reset to default settingsAll changed settings are reset to default
Search options-
: Immediate take over in case of a hitIf only one aircraft is found during a search, this will be opened in the input window
Clear the list before starting a new searchThe list is cleared before each new search
: General SearchUse search terms from the aircraft itself
Advanced searchSearch terms of the other roles of the aircraft are taken into account
Validity Validity
: With exchange objectAlso displays objects that replace objects in the invalid time period
: Without exchange objectDoes not display objects that replace objects in the invalid time period
: Only valid objectsOnly valid objects are displayed.
: All objectsAll objects are displayed - valid and invalid.
Number of objectsDetermines the maximum number of objects in the list that can be displayed during a search
: All objectsAll objects are displayed.
: Number of objectsA number can be defined for how many objects are to be displayed.
: 100 objects100 objects are displayed.
: Global presetsGlobal presets can be saved for the client and account. These are displayed here as well as the current default options that each module has. To create a global preset, a user preset must first be saved. With a right click on this user setting and selection of the context menu item "Edit user-defined setting" an editing window for this setting is opened, where the assignment of the employee / user to a client or a cost centre can be changed. (Button "Level")
: User PresetsEach user can save any number of presets. It is only important to note that if several settings are found, the first one found is used as the default setting. The name of the setting can be changed with a double-click.
BackClose window
ApplyThe settings are saved and the window is closed.


Related topics


Technical documentation

Aeroplane provider module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceiver module
EDIT_AIR_PLANENULL or aircraft objectCall up input window for aircraftAircraft editing app

Aircraft editing app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
EDIT_AIR_PLANENULL or aeroplane objectCall up input window for aircraft 
LOAD_AIR_PLANE Import aircraft 
Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceiver module
EDIT_AIR_PLANENULL or aircraft objectCall up input window for aircraftAircraft editing app
EDIT_COMMENTObjectCall up input window for commentComment editing module
LIST_AIR_PLANE Call up list window for aircraftAircraft list app

Aircraft list app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
LIST_AIR_PLANENULL or collection of aircraft objectsCall list window for aircraft
Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_AIR_PLANENULL or aircraft objectCall up input window for aircraftAircraft Edit App


Aircraft selection app

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
SELECT_AIR_PLANECollection aeroplane objects or NULL, receiver of the response.Call selection window for aeroplane 
Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_AIR_PLANENULL or aircraft objectCall up input window for aircraftAircraft editing app

Operational business