



Merchandise parts are parts in an externally built database composed of price lists from different suppliers.
Price lists from suppliers can therefore be read into a separate database.

In order to be able to access these parts in one's own database, there is the extra mask "Merchandise", which enables access to the external database here in the master data, as well as when inserting positions in offers/orders.

A trading good is a part with a purchasing and sales role. It would also be possible to create a part in the part master and then create the respective roles individually. With the help of this application it is possible to process the part master, the purchasing data and (the first) sales role simultaneously in a fast entry. It is still possible to switch to the respective role at any time to make more detailed changes. Parts created here can also be edited in the parts master.


Input window

This window is used to maintain a part object. You can select a part object by entering the desired number in the Number field and confirming with RETURN. If you want to call up the list window, you can select the menu item "Search".

To create a new part, press New. On the 'Merchandise' card, first enter a number and a multilingual text.

In the field 'Purchase data' or 'Sales data' , in the lower part of the screen, you can enter all specific data such as price and quantity. (see also price maintenance)
If a trading good has several sales roles, these are displayed in a list. Double-click on an object to open the Edit sales item window.

On the 'Supplier' tab, you can now select suppliers who supply the part via 'Insert'. The search mask of the supplier master opens, from which you can select or create the corresponding supplier with a double click.

The price window (supplier agreements) opens immediately afterwards.

Once a supplier agreement has been entered, it is displayed in the Supplier tab.

Description of the columns in the list

In the first column, the number of the supplier is displayed. This is followed in the third column by the supplier name and the order number belonging to the order item.

Price: This is the price negotiated in a supply agreement with this supplier, which has become or will become valid as of the date below. Only in the case of real supply agreements is this price shown in green; in the case of movements that have passed through a supplier with whom no supply agreement has been made, this price is grey.
The price is also grey if the supplier does not have its own price on its supplier agreement (price type: no value). In this case, the currently valid price is taken from the order item master record.

Last price: The last price of the order item with date at this supplier is indicated here.

Display mode

The display mode at the bottom of the window is a filter for whether only supplier agreements or all transaction data are to be displayed in the list. Movement data is saved for each supplier who has supplied this part once. more on the subject of supplier agreements

Movements in the list are displayed completely in grey/black and are thus immediately distinguishable from supplier agreements!

You insert the buyers for the trading goods on the 'Customers' card. Click on 'Insert' to open the search mask of the customer master, from which you can select or create the corresponding customer with a double click. A small window then opens in which you can enter the sales agreement for the customer.

In order to be able to vary the price calculation, e.g. if there are sales items on which no discount is to be granted or the sales item cannot be packaged, you can switch off the calculation by removing a tick in front of the respective items.

Description of the columns in the list

First the customer number and the name are output. This is followed by the number, which is either the same as that of the part or you can determine yourself for each customer. Finally, the agreed price is displayed.

Please do not forget to save the data with 'OK'.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: search termsTerms to search for the item; the order text is automatically saved as a search term when you create a new order item. If you subsequently change the order text, you must manually adjust the search term accordingly or enter another search term.
: : InsertInsert search term
: : RemoveRemove search term
: description-
: : textMaintain the description of the sales role as simple text
: : MS-WordMaintain the description of the sales role as a Word document
: parts unitsSee unit table
: supplier-
: : Edit supplierEdit selected supplier
: : Supplier prices-
: : : InsertInsert supplier prices
: : : RemoveRemove supplier prices
: : Display receiptsShow receipts
: customer-
: : Edit customerEdit selected customer
: : Customer prices-
: : : InsertInsert customer prices
: : : RemoveRemove customer prices
: : Show receiptsShow receipts
: warehouse-
: : stock movementsDisplay stock movements
: : stock movementsDisplay stock movements
: : Logistics accountShow logistics account
: validitySet validity
: CloseClose window
SearchCall up list window

new.pngCreate new merchandise
save.pngSave changes
delete.pngDelete merchandise
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.pngPrint trade goods
CX_STOCK_log.pngDisplay stock movements
CX_STOCK_on.pngDisplay stock
CX_STOCK_ACCOUNT.pngCall up the "MRP account" of the part
CX_ITEM.pngCall up part master of the item
CX_PURCHASE_ITEM.pngCall up the order item role
CX_SALES_ITEM.pngCall up sales item role
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity

: number *Part number. This is a mandatory field!
: search termsWhen creating a part, the text is automatically created as search term
: text *Multilingual designation of the part. This is a mandatory field!
: Part classWith 'Part class' and 'Part type' the window 'Classification terms' opens, in which all part classes and types are displayed. With a double click you can take over the corresponding class or type.
: ManufacturerAssignment to the manufacturer. Subparts with the same manufacturer as the variant part are not shown separately for the manufacturer.
: Status
: Purchasing data-
: : packaging unitUnit of measure
: : input taxVAT key
: : purchase price(Doc: Price maintenance)
: : : PricePurchase price
: : : ValidityPrice validity
: : : Purchasing range *Window 'Classification terms' opens. This is a mandatory field!
: Sales data -
: : packaging unitUnit of measure
: : VATVAT key
: : descriptionMultilingual description as text or Word file
: : Sales price(Docu: Price maintenance)
: : : priceSales price
: : : ValidityPrice validity
: : : statistics *Window 'Classification terms' opens. This is a mandatory field!
: Condition calculation-
: : packable
: : discountable
: listList of supplier prices
: Display mode-
: : Supplier specific data onlyDisplay only supplier-specific data
: : All motion monitorsShow all motion monitors
: ListList of customer prices
: Display mode-
: : Price agreements onlyShow price agreements only
: : All motion monitorsShow all motion monitors

OKChanges to the merchandise are saved. If no changes have been made, the button is locked.
NewThe input window is cleared.
DeleteThe displayed commodity is deleted.
CloseThe window is closed without saving changes. If you want to save the changes, you must press the "OK" button.

List window

Used to list the merchandise.

Menu itemDescription
Options Call up options window

new.pngCreate new merchandise
open.pngEdit trading goods
delete.pngDelete trade goods
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.pngPrint trade goods
CX_ATTRIBUTE_search.png Search for property characteristics. This searches the role and part characteristics, with the role characteristic settings taking precedence if they are different.
CX_ATTRIBUTE_search_missing.pngSearch for objects that do not contain any of the attribute settings to be specified (no matter which value is set).
list_clear.pngClear list and delete search terms
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
copytoclipboard.pngCopy all objects to the clipboard

Search fields
NumberSearch for part number
DesignationSearch for search terms
ManufacturerSearch for manufacturer
StatusSearch by status

EditThe current trade item is displayed in the input window.
NewAn empty input window is opened.
DeleteThe selected commodity is deleted.
CloseThe window is closed.

Selection window

This window is used to select the merchandise.

Menu itemDescription
Options Call up options window

Search fields
NumberSearch for part number
DesignationSearch for search terms
ManufacturerSearch for manufacturer
StatusSearch by status

OKThe selected merchandise is taken over.
CloseThe selection is cancelled.

Options window

All settings for the search can be made here. The window can only be closed via the "OK" button.

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Set default settingsall changed settings are reset to default

Search options-
: Immediate takeover in case of a hitIf only one commodity is found in a search, it is opened in the input window.
Clear list before new searchThe list is cleared before each new search
: General searchUse search terms from the commodity itself
: Advanced searchSearch terms from the other roles of the commodity are taken into account
Validity Validity
Number of objectsDetermines the maximum number of objects displayed in the list for a search.

OKThe settings are saved and the window closes.

Import detail

This window can be used to import supplier price tables from specially prepared Excel files. A technical description of the import and the macros used can be found here.

As a special feature, it should be noted that the supplier number from the real system must be loaded into the parts as the attribute "supplierID" in order to be able to uniquely determine and assign the supplier later when creating the requirement request. The supplier must therefore either be determined by a new customer macro in the read-in routine or replaced manually in the read-in file beforehand.

Loading options-
: fileThe file to be read in. It can be freely selected via the button
: Line from-toOnly a specific section can be entered via this field using line numbers in the format 120-190. All other lines are read over
: variant sectionThe parts to be read in are all assigned as subparts to the variant part selected here.
: part classThe parts to be read in are assigned to this category, regardless of which category they were assigned to in the Excel file.

OKThe selected file is read in
CloseThe window is closed without starting the read-in process

Import price lists

This window can be used to import several price tables from different suppliers in a ClassiX-specific scheme. A technical description of the import and the macros used can be found here.

Files to import -
: SelectA dialogue window opens to select the files to be imported
: RemoveThe entries selected in the list of files to be imported can be removed again with this.
: Import filesThe files specified in the list of files to be imported are imported.
Files already imported -
: duplicatesA search is made for duplicates in the list of loaded files. If there are any, they are marked in the list.
: DeleteAll the parts in the merchandise database that were read in with this selected import process are deleted.

Deletion is not possible during a dialogue operation with the production database.
: CloseThe window is closed

Related topics

Technical documentation


pusaitem.bmp (8118 byte)

Merchandise base module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
ITEM_CHANGEDItem-ObjectItem has been changed
ITEM_CREATEDItem-ObjectItem was created
ITEM_DELETEDItem objectItem has been deleted

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_PURCHASE_SALES_ITEMNULL or item objectCall input window for itemArticle editing module

Merchandise editing module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
EDIT_PURCHASE_SALES_ITEMNULL or item objectInput window for merchandise will be called
ITEM_CHANGEDItem objectItem has been changed
ITEM_CREATEDItem-ObjectItem was created
ITEM_DELETEDItem objectItem has been deleted
LIST_PURCHASE_SALES_ITEMCollection item objects or NULLList window for merchandise will call

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
EDIT_ITEMNULL or article objectCall up input window for articleArticle editing module
EDIT_SALES_ITEMNULL or article objectCall up input window for sales itemSales item editing module
EDIT_PURCHASE_ITEMNULL or item objectCall up input window for order itemOrder article editing module
EDIT_VALIDITY_BY_DATEWindow title, object, recipient of the response.Call up input window for validityValidity editing module
ITEM_CHANGEDItem objectItem has been changed
ITEM_CREATEDItem-ObjectItem was created
LIST_PURCHASE_SALES_ITEM Call list window for itemMerchandise editing module
SHOW_PREVIEWWidgetPrint previewPrint preview

Merchandise selection module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
ITEM_CHANGEDItem-ObjectItem has been changed
ITEM_CREATEDItem-ObjectItem was created
ITEM_DELETEDItem objectItem has been deleted
SELECT_PURCHASE_SALES_ITEMCollection item objects or NULL, recipient of the response.Call selection window for item

Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceive module
ITEM_SELECTEDItem object, receiverItem was selected

Read-in files

The help on the subject of read-in files provides a precise description of the interface format.

Macros that can be used in the Excel import files
Column headerDescriptionExample
AddSlotAttributesThe attributes separated by ; are inserted into the part.LENGTH;WIDTH;HEIGHT
AddAttributeValueCreates an AttributeSet on the part and gives it the attribute characteristics separated by ; with the values separated by =.LAENGE=1000mm;BREITE=200mm
AddItemPatternAssigns the variant part with the passed number to the new part.PART_PURCHASE_U
AddItemTypeSearches the substructure under ITEM_CLASSIFICATION with the passed name and assigns it to the part.Amplifier
AddStatisticGroupFinds the substructure under SALES_STATISTICS with the passed name and assigns it to the part.Electronics
AddPurchasingGroupFinds the substructure under PURCHASING_GROUPS with the passed name and assigns it to the part.Slim
AddLogisticsStores the part as a purchased or production part. Transfer options are therefore "purchased part" or "production part".Purchased part
AddSupplySets the procurement type of the part. Possibilities are
1=stock managed
For trade goods parts mostly 0 = standard
AddDefaultValueDefault unit of the partPiece
AddStockAccountSearches for a stock location using the passed number and assigns it to the part as the main stock location.615601
AddPriceStores the transferred price as the order price.

Attention: For this, it is necessary that the part has already been saved once in a column with SaveObject!

AddPriceTableCreates a price table at the order part and fills it with the transferred data.
Here, table entries are separated by ;, attributes as conditions per entry with |.
The table entries always begin with the conditions, followed by the price.
FindSupplierByUniqueIDReturns the supplier found by the number passed.10992
FindSupplierSearches for a supplier using the transferred industry number or using a transferred search term.
If it is to be an industry number, the number must contain a zero. If there is no zero, the search is carried out by search term. If the term passed is RAND, a random supplier is determined.
"0405" or "screws"
AddSuppliersAdds supplier agreements to the order part using the search criteria described in FindSupplier. Prices and also price tables can be transferred.
The following format is expected:
Branch identifier or search term of the supplier &Priority(ABC)&Order number at the supplier&Lot size&Reprocurement time&Price table(&Provision bill of material separated with ;)
007&B&694769&3 pieces&2 weeks&
AddASupplierAdds the supplier with the passed number as an A-supplier or, if it already exists, simply gives it the indicator A-supplier.109782
AddDiscountAdds a percentage surcharge/discount to the order price.-20%
PutUniqueIDNumber of the new part132132

Column headings in import files

Item numberPutUniqueID16830


Designation (new)PutValue(EditWin,mlDescription)90° swivel joint for microphone
Retail pricePutValue(EditWin, SalesPricePointer)163,00
Sale currencyDup String Cardinality if { PutValue(EditWin, SalesPricePointerUnit) } else DropEUR
Sales price-per-unitPutValue(EditWin, SalesPricePointerValUnit)UnitYes
Group AAddItemGroup1 audioYes
Group BAddPurchasingGroupBracketYes
SaveDrop SaveObject1Yes
Purchase pricePutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointer)163,00
Purchasing currencyDup String Cardinality if { PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointerUnit) } else DropEUR
Purchase price per unitPutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointerValUnit)Unit
Date of purchase priceString "-" + PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePriceValidity) 1 PutValue(EditWin,
PurchaseRestrictedValidity) Widget(EditWin, PurchaseRestrictedValidity) SendMsg(SELECT, DIRECT)
Attribute OrderNo"purchase.number=" Swap + AddAttributeValuesA-61Yes
Attribute ModelAddModelA-61Yes
Attribute brand name / manufacturer nameAddManufacturer5Yes
Attribute supplier"supplierID=" Swap + AddAttributeValues703961Yes
SaveDrop SaveObject1Yes


Copy these two lines as headings into a new Excel file:

Price listNameSelling priceSales currencySales price per unitPurchase pricePurchasing currencyPurchase price per unitStoreDiscountDate Purchase priceAttributeOrderNoAttributeModelAttribute manufacturer name / brand nameAttribute supplierSave
PutValue(EditWin, called.number)PutValue(EditWin, mlDescription)PutValue(EditWin, SalesPricePointer)PutValue(EditWin, SalesPricePointerUnit)Dup PutValue(EditWin, SalesPricePointerValUnit) Dup PutValue(EditWin, SalesUnit) Dup PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointerValUnit) PutValue(EditWin, purchaseUnit)PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointer)Dup String Cardinality if { PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointerUnit) } else DropDup String Cardinality if { Dup PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePricePointerValUnit) PutValue(EditWin, purchaseUnit) } else DropDrop SaveObjectAddDiscountString "-" + PutValue(EditWin, PurchasePriceValidity) 1 PutValue(EditWin, PurchaseRestrictedValidity) Widget(EditWin, PurchaseRestrictedValidity) SendMsg(SELECT, DIRECT) "purchase.number=" Swap + AddAttributeValuesAddModelAddManufacturer"supplierID=" Swap + AddAttributeValuesDrop SaveObject

Please make sure that the column format is always "text" or "number". If the format "currency" is set in a column, it cannot be read in during import. The following message appears:

00-0662: The return type is not yet supported by the current ClassiX version.

In this case, click on the column heading so that the entire column is highlighted. Then click on the right mouse button and select the entry "Format Columns" from the opened context menu. Now set "Number" and save. Now the file can be imported:

Pusaitem01 De

Operational business