
Analyse error messages in the log file

Analyse error messages in the log file


Crashes that lead to a program abort are logged in the logfile, including a stack trace. This often allows to deduce the error.

page error
xx: 2006-03-21 09:34:48,247 FATAL cx.main - Windows exception caught:
xx: 2006-03-21 09:34:48,247 FATAL cx.main - Page error
xx: 2006-03-21 09:34:57,795 FATAL cx.main - zlib!??() +1000h

yy: 2006-03-21 07:41:24,486 FATAL cx.main - Windows exception caught:
yy: 2006-03-21 07:41:24,486 FATAL cx.main - Page error
yy: 2006-03-21 07:41:25,642 FATAL cx.main - cxbNTosd!??() +1123dch
yy: 2006-03-21 07:41:25,642 FATAL cx.main - cxbNTosd!??() +126925h
yy: 2006-03-21 07:41:25,642 FATAL cx.main - cxbNTosd!??() +15aee6h
yy: 2006-03-21 07:41:25,642 FATAL cx.main - cxbNTosd!??() +1259a5h
Cause and troubleshooting

The two code locations are located in a DLL and access data stored in this DLL. A page error occurs during access or execution. Windows always triggers this runtime error when it tries to reload a DLL, but this fails. Reasons for this are a broken network connection, unstable hardware, etc.

On terminal servers this error also occurs sporadically (for reasons not yet known). Remedy is to save the DLLs again locally on the terminal server so that the machine does not have to access the network when loading the DLLs.

Operational business