
Sanctions lists Monitor

Sanctions lists Monitor


This app is used to process "hits" once they have been found, i.e. to add the persons/companies/one-time addresses from one's own database or one's own Outlook contacts (not available in the cloud version) to either the whitelist or the blacklist during a comparison with regard to the information in the sanctions lists.

If persons/companies/one-time addresses are added to a whitelist or a blacklist, they are automatically matched again after an import/update of the sanctions lists. If the information of the assigned persons/companies in the sanctions lists changes due to the import/update, entries from the whitelist or blacklist are automatically transferred to the checklist to be checked. Entries in the checklist must then be checked again.


Sanctions lists monitor

When this app is called up, it automatically checks whether the date of the last match run is earlier than the date of the last update of the sanctions lists. Therefore, if newer sanction lists are available, one is prompted to perform a match run immediately.

In the first tab Matches, the processing of the matches of the own business partners takes place. This list should be viewed after each match and - if new matches have been found - these should be moved to either the blacklist or the whitelist.

In the blacklist, the business partners are transferred by them as actually sanctioned and thus declared as "blocked" for their business. The Whitelist tab contains the business partners that they have checked and are classified by them as not suspicious. In the Checklist are the business partners whose assigned persons/companies of the Pythia database have been changed during a subsequent re-import of data, necessitating a re-check of the originally blacklisted or whitelisted partners.


This window is divided into two parts: after a comparison, the upper list shows the own business partners (persons or companies) who became conspicuous during a comparison because a certain match with sanctioned persons or companies from the Pythia database became apparent. In addition to the name and address of their business partner, the number of matches with sanctioned persons/organisations/companies in the Pythia database is output. The last column output is the smallest error from these matches, where an error of zero means a "clear match" and an error of one means "no match". (An error of one is not output in the lists).

If a row is selected in the upper list, the sanctioned persons and/or companies from the Pythia database that have some match to the matched person/company/one-time address of their own host database or in their Outlook contacts are displayed in the lower list.

Menu item Description
Options Call up the option window

Symbol Description
 list_clear.png Reset list of hits
copytoclipboard.png Copy the list of hits to the clipboard
Field Description
Date of last match runBased on the logs, the date of the last match run is displayed. Please note that this is independent of whether the match run was restricted.
Date sanction listsSanction lists are automatically updated daily. The date of the last successful update is output here.

Lists List Description Matches found on persons/companies/once addresses List of possible matches to the checked persons/companies/once addresses in the host database or Outlook contacts. If an entry is selected in this list, the persons/companies from the Pythia database that may match this partner are displayed in the lower list.

Once this list has been logged, its entries can be moved to the blacklist or whitelist using the context menu (right mouse button).

Logged (persistent) entries are in the list if, on the one hand, a logging of the result was carried out after a comparison or, on the other hand, if an anti-terror screening log is moved to this list by drag&drop: the hits found for the respective log are then output in this list for further processing.

 check_green.png the entry has been added to the whitelist

 stopsign.png : the entry has been added to the blacklist

Sanctioned persons/companies/one-time addresses List of sanctioned persons and companies from the Pythia database that could have a possible connection to the entry selected in the list above.

Double-clicking on an entry displays the details of the locked partner stored in the Pythia database


This list shows the partners that they have classified as actually "to be blocked". If subsequent updates of the Pythia database reveal that data has changed for the persons/companies from the Pythia database that are assigned to a blacklisted partner, then this entry is automatically moved from the blacklist to the checklist.

Action Description
Delete" key The selected entry is removed from the blacklist, the partner is also removed from the "Locked" status and any previous partner status is restored


This list shows the partners who were conspicuous in a comparison but could be classified as unsuspicious in a check of them. If it turns out during subsequent imports that data on the persons/companies from the Pythia database assigned to a whitelisted partner has changed, then this entry is moved from the whitelist to the checklist.

Action Description
Delete" key The selected entry is removed from the whitelist


This list shows the partners that were originally added to a blacklist or whitelist but whose assigned persons/companies from the Pythia database have been changed during a later import/update of the sanctions lists. These entries must be edited again: Either they can be returned to their original lists (blacklist or whitelist), or they change from blacklist to whitelist (e.g. if the assigned person or company has been removed from the sanctions list) or vice versa. The new status caused by the import/update of the sanctions lists is indicated by a symbol in the checklist:

 plus_red.png a new person or company has been added to the sanctions lists, which could be additionally assigned to a partner already on the blacklist or whitelist

 reload.png data of such a person or company from the sanctions lists has been changed, which is assigned to a partner on the blacklist or whitelist

 delete.png such a person or company has been removed from the sanctions lists associated with a blacklisted or whitelisted partner

context menu

Menu itemDescription
Return to blacklistA partner originally in the blacklist is - after checking the change after an import - returned to the blacklist.
Transfer from blacklist to whitelistA partner originally on the blacklist is returned to the whitelist after the change has been checked following an import (e.g. removal from the sanctions list).
Return to whitelistA partner originally on the whitelist is returned to the whitelist after the change has been checked following an import.
Transfer from whitelist to blacklistA partner originally on the whitelist is returned to the blacklist after the change has been checked following an import (e.g. person/company can now be identified more precisely).

Options window

All settings for the search can be made here. The window can only be closed with the "OK" button.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Move hit
: : Add to blacklistOne or more business partner(s) selected in the list of hits found is/are moved to the blacklist.
: : Add to whitelistOne or more business partner(s) selected in the list of matches found is/are moved to the whitelist.
: Move blacklist entries
: : Remove from blacklistOne or more business partners selected in the blacklist are transferred back to the list of "hits".
: : Transfer from blacklist to whitelist.One or more business partners selected in the blacklist are transferred to the whitelist.
: Move whitelist entries
: : Remove from whitelistOne or more business partners selected in the whitelist are transferred back to the list of "hits".
: : Transfer from whitelist to blacklist.One or more business partners selected in the whitelist are transferred to the blacklist.
: Move check list entries
: : return to blacklistOne or more business partners selected in the check list are transferred to the blacklist.
: : return to whitelistOne or more business partners selected in the check list are transferred to the whitelist.
button Description
BackThe app is closed.

Related topics

Technical documentation

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages

Message Parameters Function


- The app opens to edit matches.

Operational business