Cloud account (client)
This app is used to maintain the cloud user accounts of clients. A client is defined as the sub-client of a client and is used, for example, by cloud operators. The operator of a cloud itself is a client, its customers who use this cloud are then the clients or the sub-clients of this client.
Clients or sub-clients manage the software offers (SaaS) of the cloud operator (client) used by them and their own administrators of these used SaaS solutions in their respective user accounts.
This app is thus specifically designed for the maintenance of cloud user accounts from the perspective of the clients (sub-clients).
Input window
This window is used for the maintenance of cloud accounts of clients and is divided into the different areas of company data, administrators, app registrations and infrastructure.
In the company data area, you will find all the information about the company that was entered when the cloud account was registered.
In the administrators' area, the users (administrators) are managed who have access to the account management and can therefore also book or cancel apps and even delete the account. No "simple" users who only use one of the booked apps are maintained here; this is done within the app management.
Menu item | Description |
Edit | |
: Insert address | |
: : Street address | Inserts a new street address |
: : P.O. Box address | Inserts a new letterbox address |
Contact us | Contacts the customer |
: Display address | |
: : Detailed | Switches to detailed display |
: : List | Switches to list display |
: App Registration | |
: : App Suite / App | Adds a new App Suite / App to the list of registered Apps. |
: : Free configuration from the AppsWarehouse | Adds a new free configuration |
: : Pandora (own development) | Pandora Bay |
Close | Closes the window |
Field | Description |
Company data | |
: Name | |
: : account number | Number of the account. Automatically created by the system when a new account is registered and cannot be changed. This number marks and identifies all client-specific settings, data and files. |
: address | |
: : country | Country of the company address. This specification controls the structure of the fields for further address entry. |
Administrators | |
: Administrators | List of users authorised as administrators for the cloud account. Only administrators have access to the account management and can therefore book apps, cancel or even delete the cloud account. If a line is selected, the data of this administrator is displayed below the list for maintenance. |
: : New | The screen is cleared to enter a new administrator. |
: : Delete | The administrator selected in the list above is deleted. |
: : Save | Data for a new administrator or any changes made in the input fields are saved. |
App Registrations | |
App registrations | List of all booked, non-cancelled apps. As long as the columns Ordered are still empty, this product is still in the test phase. If a line is selected, the data of the registered app is displayed below the list for maintenance. |
: list all registrations | If this checkbox is set, all apps once cancelled or expired in the test period are also listed. |
: Cancel app | The app is cancelled, i.e. the use of the app is suspended. Once an app has been cancelled, it can be reactivated. (To display cancelled apps, set the check mark "List all registrations"). |
: Number of concurrent users | Number of users working with the database at the same time. If the app is a paid app, the possible maximum number of concurrent users working with the app must be entered here - at the latest at the end of the test period. This results from the "concurrent user" licensing model for each cloud app. |
Activate app subject to a fee | If the trial period for a chargeable app has expired, charges will apply. |
: Create batch file | This button can only be triggered by the cloud operator. It opens up the possibility for him - for maintenance and support purposes - to be able to start the customer's app in a native mode. |
Start app | The app selected in the list is started as a stand-alone application. |
: Details | Information about the app selected in the upper list can be viewed and maintained. |
: : App | The name of the app for a direct link with the structure is output here |
: : short name | Short name of the app. |
: : version | Selection of the system version - provided by the cloud operator - under which the app is to be started. |
: : Type | Type of the app. The following types are possible:
: : App selection in | Specify where the app is to be available for selection. The following settings are possible in principle:
: : is standard programme | An app marked in this way is started with the shortened direct link (i.e. without explicitly stating the app name). |
: : Show app | This and the following field define whether and where the app is to be displayed. |
: : Order | Each registered app can be given a sequence number according to which the display of these apps is sorted. |
: : Test period until | This and the following field can only be maintained by the cloud operator. If the standard test period for a product is exceeded, this test period can be extended. The identifier that this has happened can be marked with the next field. |
: : Extended test | see previous field |
: : Number of concurrent users | Number of users who are allowed to use the app currently being edited at the same time. This number must be greater than zero as soon as the app is activated with charge using the adjacent button. |
: : Activate app with charge | The app currently being edited is activated subject to a charge from this day onwards, i.e. from this day onwards the use of the app is charged periodically. |
: : Remove app | This button is only activated if the app is freely configured by the cloud account administrator. Apps can only be removed and added from such freely configured apps. |
: : Add App | This button is only enabled if it is an app freely configured by the cloud account administrator. Apps can only be added and removed from such freely configured apps. |
: : Edit App | This button is only enabled if it is an app freely configured by the cloud account administrator. Only such freely configured apps can be edited. |
: : Save | Any changes made are saved. |
: API | Some apps provide an interface (API). In order to be able to use this, so-called API keys must be made available to the users of the API. Only with these keys is it possible to use the API. This subwindow is divided into the maintenance screen for the API keys on the right and the maintenance screen for the IP addresses from which the API can be used on the left. The entry of so-called "Permitted IP addresses" is optional, but increases security when using the API. |
: : API key | List of already created API keys |
: : : Remove | One or the API keys selected in the list are removed. Please note that you should notify those who have used the removed API keys. Should these users still be able to access the API, you will need to provide these users with new API keys. |
: : Create | A new API key is created with a new, random and unique keyword. However, this key will only become active after pressing the "Save" button. |
: : : API key | Keyword of the API key. With the "Generate" button to the right you can generate a new, random and unique keyword at any time. |
: : : Generate | Generate a new, random and unique keyword. |
: : : Short text | To make the API keys more easily distinguishable from each other, you can describe an API key with a short text, e.g. its possible use or its users. |
: : : Validity | |
: : : User | User code of the user who is automatically logged in when using the API key. It is recommended to create your own "anonymous" users in the system for using the API. |
: : : Select | With this button, you can display a list of all users in your own database. If you select a user from this list, his user code is transferred to this field. |
: : : Save | The API key is saved and activated. The system checks whether a keyword is entered and whether the user abbreviation is known in the user's own database. |
: : Allowed IP addresses | List of IP addresses from which the API key may be used. If "allowed IP addresses" are set on an API key, this API key may only be used from these IP addresses. If no IP addresses are set on an API key, the API key may be accessed from all IP addresses. |
: : : Remove | One or more IP addresses selected in the list are removed. Please note that you should notify those who used the removed IP addresses. |
: : : Create | A new IP address with an address template is created. |
: : : IP address | The allowed IP address. |
: : : Short text | Specification option for better identification of the IP address, e.g. who owns this IP address. |
: : : Save | The entries made are saved with the IP key. |
Infrastructure | |
: Client | |
: : identifier | Here, the client's own identifier is recorded for a direct link with the structure. (e.g. |
: : System standard version | Which of the system versions provided by the cloud operator is to be used by default for new booked products. This field is mandatory. |
: : System Administration | Call a separate App Suite to administer the client database. This App Suite can be used to maintain user rights, financial years and other basic system data and settings. |
: File access | It is possible to access your client folder in the cloud directly via the information in the file access. The file access consists of two elements. On the one hand, it can be developed via IDE, on the other hand, WebDAV can be activated and the client folder can then be mounted like a network drive. The two options are independent of each other. You can find more information here. |
: : User identification | This user ID is required to log on to both the IDE and WebDAV. |
: : Password | This password is required to log in to both the IDE and WebDAV. It can either be freely assigned or left blank. If it is empty, it will be set randomly the next time an application is started. |
: : IDE URL | URL to call the IDE. |
: : : WebDAV enabled | Enables or disables access via WebDAV. |
: : WebDAV URL | URL for access via WebDAV. |
Server | This information can only be viewed and edited by the administrator of the cloud operator. |
: : Cloud identifier | Unique identifier for the cloud. |
: : AppsWarehouse Server | IP address of the AppsWarehouse server |
: : database server | IP address of the database server |
: : IDE server | IP address of the IDE server (Pandora) |
button | Description |
Action | - |
back | The window is closed. |
: Delete | The cloud customer is deleted. |
: Save | Changes to the ... are saved. |
Related topics
Technical documentation
"Module" basic module
Module name
In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.
Message | Parameters | Function | Security |
Message | Parameters | Function | Receiver module |
"Module" editing module
Module name
In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.
Message | Parameters | Function | Security |
Message | Parameters | Function | Receiver module |
"Module" selection module
Module name
In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.
Message | Parameters | Function | Security |
Message | Parameters | Function | Receiver module |