
Anti Terror Screening Protocols

Anti-Terror Screening Protocol


Each import of the EU, US, UK, CH and UN sanctions lists, each individual search, each mass comparison with data from an ERP system or with Outlook contacts (direct comparison with Outlook contacts not available in cloud version) can be saved as an anti-terror screening log with the corresponding results. Each log is archived with the user, date and time, the search criteria and the results found and can be viewed at any time.


Input window

This window displays logs of search, import and matching activities in the Pythia database. The data serves as a log and cannot be changed.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: DeleteThe selected protocol is deleted. It is not advisable to delete a log, as it is considered proof of search and comparison with the sanctions lists.
Search Call up list window
Symbol Description
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png ... print
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes

Field Description
: Number Serial number of the protocol
Type Unique identifier for the type of protocol. This identifier is additionally described by the action text (see below) below. (The IMPORT_xxx protocols are in the Pythia database for seamless tracking of the currency of the sanctions lists).
IMPORT_CH_SECOImport of the sanctions list of the Secrétariat d'État à l'économie (SECO) of Switzerland. (https://www.sesam.search.admin.ch/sesam-search-web/pages/downloadXmlGesamtliste.xhtml?lang=de&action=downloadXmlGesamtlisteAction)
IMPORT_EU_CFSPImport of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) sanctions list of the European Union. (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fsd/fsf/public/files/xmlFullSanctionsList_1_1/content?token=xxxxxxxx)
IMPORT_UK_HMTImport of the sanctions list of HM Treasury's (HMT) Office for Financial Sanctions Implementation of the United Kingdom. (https://ofsistorage.blob.core.windows.net/publishlive/2022format/ConList.txt)
IMPORT_UN_SCSLImport of the Security Council Consolidated List (SCSL) sanctions list of the United Nations. (https://scsanctions.un.org/resources/xml/en/consolidated.xml)
IMPORT_US_CSLImport of the Consolidated Screening List (CSL) of the International Trade Administration of the United States.
QUERY_SINGLESingle search in the Pythia database.
MATCH_HOST_BATCH Mass comparison of the entries in the Pythia database with those in the ERP system
MATCH_OUTLOOK_BATCHDirect (no export of Outlook data) bulk matching of Outlook contact data with the Pythia database (not available in the cloud version).
date Date of the Protocol
: Time of day Time of the protocol
User User who triggered the action in the Pythia database
: process Text describing the action. This text is automatically generated by the system and describes what was done in the database (see type above)
Action Description Type (see above)
Import sanctions lists

The alias companies and persons are not counted in the number of processed companies and persons indicated in the transaction text.

The processed numbers may be greater than the total number of companies and persons stored, as some import files also contain duplicates.

In addition to the persons and companies, the corresponding alias persons and alias companies also count as sanction entries.

The following fields are displayed with this type of anti-terror screening protocol:

Sanction entries reloadedNumber of new companies and persons (alias persons and alias companies count as sanction entries and are therefore included here)
Sanction entries updatedEven if the same sanctions list is read in again, the number here may not be zero, as in some import files some data records are not always clearly marked or occur more than once and can therefore be overwritten during the import process.
Sanction entries no longer listedNumber of companies and persons no longer included in a newly read import file. The companies and persons no longer listed are automatically set to invalid by the system.
Sanction entries not changedNumber of sanction entries not changed.

Sanction list CH_SECO successfully imported (e.g. 1142 companies / 2213 persons processed).Import of the sanctions list of Switzerland.IMPORT_CH_SECO
Sanctions list EU_CFSP successfully imported (e.g. 571 companies / 1728 persons processed).Import of the sanctions list of the European Union.IMPORT_EU_CFSP
Sanctions list UK_HMT successfully imported (e.g. 3764 companies / 9558 persons processed).Import of the sanctions list of the United Kingdom.UMPORT_UK_HMT
Sanctions list UN_SCSL successfully imported (e.g. 286 companies / 711 persons processed).Import of the United Nations sanctions list.IMPORT_UN_SCSL
Sanctions list US_CSL successfully imported (e.g. 7119 companies / 5345 persons processed).Import of the sanctions list of the United Sates.IMPORT_US_CSL
Import host data
40822 Host persons successfully processed (data group: Office) (e.g.).Import of personal data from a host system (ERP, webshop, Outlook, etc.)IMPORT_HOST_PERSON
3400 Host companies successfully processed (data group: Office) (e.g.).Import of company data from a host system (ERP, webshop, Outlook, etc.)IMPORT_HOST_FIRM
Single search
Individual search in sanctions lists: Osama Bin Laden (e.g.).Search for "Osama Bin Laden" in the Pythia database. The search term is output after the textQUERY_SINGLE
Mass match
Mass matching of host database companies/-/ (e.g.).Mass matching between own business partners (persons and companies in own database) with persons and/or companies and organisations in Pythia database (sanctioned persons, companies and organisations).MATCH_HOST_BATCH

Mass matching with Outlook contacts (not available in the cloud version).

Matching of Outlook contact data with the Pythia database


Hits (the number of hits is given in brackets)
: List of persons/companies/one-time addresses that were conspicuous during the comparison with the entries in the Pythia database. These persons/companies/one-time addresses are referred to as hits.

If you click on an entry, the blocked persons/companies from the Pythia database are listed in the lower part of the window (see next field below), whose data can be related to the person/company/one-time address in the list, whose data show a certain match.

Blacklist/WhitelistTypeGroupNumberNameFirst nameCountryPOSTCODECityAddressNumber of hitssmallest error

check_green.png or "W": the entry was whitelisted.

stopsign.png or "B": the entry has been blacklisted.

"C": the entry has been added to the checklist.

Identifier whether it is a person or a company.If the entry is assigned to a data group, it is output here again.Unique number of the person/company.Name of the person (surname) or company.Output only for the person type.Country of the first address.Postcode of the first address.City of the first address.Street/address of the first address.Number of companies and/or persons in the Pythia database that show some match with this hit in the data.Each match to a person or company in the Pythia database is scored with an "error". This column displays the smallest error of the matches found.

Blocked persons/companies/one-time addresses in sanctions lists (the number of hits is given in brackets).

ListTypeWhole nameNameFirst nameCountryPOSTCODECityAddressErrorMatch data fieldper datelast update in listRegistrationID in sanctions list
Short name of the sanctions list.Symbol/icon for person or company.Full name of the sanctioned person/company. Only for persons. Weighted error of agreement.

Surname: some match was found with the last name of the match.

Full name: some match was found with the full name of the match.

Address suffix: some match was found in the address suffix of the match.

Unique identification number in the sanctions list.

List window

This window is used to list the logs of search, import and matching activities in the Pythia database. The data serves as a log and cannot be changed.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Reset Empty search fields
Close Close window
Options Call up the option window
Symbol Description
list_clear.png Empty list
open.png Edit object log
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Protocol Print object
pin.pngpinned.pngCreate/edit notes
Search fields
Field Description
Number Search for the protocol with the number specified here
Date Search for logs of the period specified here
User Search for logs of the user specified here
Type Search for logs of the type specified here. Afterwards the search with the search.png Start button
button Description
Edit The currently selected protocol object is displayed in the input window.
Close The window is closed.

Selection window

This window is used for the selection ...

Search fields

: Advanced searchCall up advanced search
: BackThe window is closed.
: SelectConfirm selection

Option window

All settings for the search can be made here. The window can only be closed with the "OK" button.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Set default settings all changed settings are reset to default
Field Description
Search options -
: Immediate take over in case of a hit If a search only returns a ... is found during a search, it will be opened in the input window
Clear the list before starting a new search The list is cleared before each new search
: General Search Search terms from ... use yourself
Advanced search Search terms of the other roles of the ... will be considered
Validity Validity
: With exchange object
: Without exchange object
: Only valid objects
: All objects
Number of objects Determines the maximum number of objects in the list that can be displayed during a search
: All objects
: Number of objects
: 100 objects
button Description
OK The settings are saved and the window is closed.

Related topics

Technical documentation

"Module" basic module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module

"Module" editing module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module

"Module" selection module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module

Operational business