
Scanner PickAndDrop customer

PickAndDrop customer


Goods that have to be picked as individual picks (e.g. whole pallets or large parts) are picked up individually by a forklift and transported directly to the appropriate place in one of the zones

  • Provision
  • Winding

turned off.

The pick to be made is automatically assigned to the warehouse employee. He has the choice of specifying a picking list (picking list selection via picking licence) or simply selecting the next pending pick without taking a picking list into account (automatic picking list selection).

When parking, the warehouse employee is shown whether the goods need to be consolidated (e.g. because goods from other picking zones still need to be picked for this picking list) and whether goods from this picking list are already picked in another storage bin. The warehouse employee tries to place the goods in the same storage bin where goods from this picking list are already stored. This is similar to the storage of goods at PickAndCollect.

The strategies for filing are defined customer-specifically in each case.


Pick list selection via ID

This entry is currently not supported.

Pick list selection via pick license

If it is a matter of picking a pick list for which goods have already been picked and deposited (typically from PickAndCollect), but which is not at the top of the queue, a pick from the queue can be brought forward by this option.

  • Selection of the picker (if not already selected)
  • Selection of the pick zone (if not already selected)
  • Selection of the parked pick container (this results in the pick list and the picks still to be made).
  • Iteration: Picking
    • Automatic selection of the next pick
    • Identification of the pick location
    • Identification of the loading equipment (optional for large part picks)
    • For large parts:
      • Identification of the part
      • Recording of the quantity
    • Recording of serial and batch numbers (optional)
    • Selection of the storage place

Pick list selection automatic

The warehouse employee does not care which picking list he picks for.
The employee is automatically assigned the top entry from the queue for the pick zone in which he is logged in. After the pick has been processed, the system automatically checks whether there are other corresponding picks in the queue. If so, the employee is immediately assigned the next pick.

  • Selection of the stacker (if not already selected beforehand)
  • Selection of the pick zone (if not already selected)
  • Iteration: Picking
    • Automatic selection of the next pick
    • Identification of the pick location
    • Identification of the loading equipment (optional for large part picks)
    • For large parts:
      • Identification of the part
      • Recording of the quantity
    • Recording of serial and batch numbers (optional)
    • Selection of the storage location

The choice of the storage location is free. However, the employee is shown whether the picked goods must be consolidated and in which storage bins there are already picked goods for this sales order. This display helps the employee to find a suitable storage location.
If the loading equipment suggested for picking is not accessible to the forklift, another equivalent storage equipment can be used.

Drop picking licences / Drop all licences

If, for some reason, picked licences are left on a forklift truck, they can be dropped with this guided activity: after selecting the forklift truck, the dialogue for dropping the goods appears immediately (identical process to PickAndDrop Customer: Dropping goods).

Field Description
Location Here the warehouse worker scans the storage location where the goods are to be deposited.

button Description
ESC The window is closed.
OK Confirm selection

Picked licence transport / goods transport

If, after picking, goods are not placed in one of the three zones provided for this purpose but, for example, at a transfer point, the picked goods must be transported onward at a later date. For this purpose there is the guided activity "Transporting the picked licence".

After picking up the goods, the warehouse employee is immediately in the dialogue for depositing the goods (identical process to PickAndDrop customer: deposit goods).

Field Description
Location Here the warehouse worker scans the storage location where the goods are to be deposited.

button Description
ESC The window is closed.
OK Confirm selection

Putting goods down

If the picking process is ended (automatically or by means of "ESC") and goods were actually picked onto the picking container, the dialogue for depositing the goods appears.

Field Description
ConsolidateConsolidation notice
Location Here the warehouse worker scans the storage bin where the goods are to be placed

button Description
OK Confirm selection

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Operational business