
Advanced search

Advanced search


The advanced search allows you to search using the dictionary and the fields in the list. You can freely define the search


Advanced search

Field Description
Advanced search
Dictionary -
: : Search terms

: : Search options

Enter the search query

: : : exact The text in the search query is searched for. This text must be at the beginning of the search term if "Compare beginning of word" is selected.
: : : with all words
  • Words are separated by blank characters
  • If texts with spaces are to be searched for, they must be placed within two inverted commas ".
  • Enter "" or \" to search for a single inverted comma.
: : : with any of the words

Normally all results of the search words are taken together. If a word must be present you can write & in front of it,
Input: Fritz Helmut Otto & Müller
Result: All persons with the name Müller and the first names Fritz, Helmut or Otto.

: Data fields Search criteria for the advanced search can be defined here. More about the configuration can be found here. For the Query command type, the columns of the original list are also available for selection in the advanced search.

button Description
Back Close window
Save The current entries are saved and will be reloaded the next time the "Advanced search" is called up.
Search Start the search with the defined parameters
Take over Transfer all selected found objects or, if none are selected, all of them to the calling window.
Export to Excel Export all selected found objects or, if none are selected, all of them to an Excel file.

Related topics

Technical documentation

Advanced Search App

Module name



In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
ListBox widget Widget of a ListBox which serves to read out the data fields and to return the found objects.
INVALID or a collection with the stolen objects Collection of objects to be used in the search can be transferred here. With INVALID there is no restriction - all objects from the Dictionary or REP-Collection are used.
INVALID or CX_OBJCT_DICTIONARY_* If no dictionary is given, the search in the dictionary is blocked.
INVALID or CallBack procedure If a CallBack-Procedure is defined, it will be called with the Collectuion on the stack, if not the Collection will be sent to the Listbox with the message ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT.
Search string Is copied into the search field of the dictionary
Search name/class name

The settings are saved under this name!
If you enter a valid class name, you can also search through the complete REP of the class.

Operational business