
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Known Error Messages, their causes and suggested solutions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and known error messages, their cause and suggested solutions


up.png Why is my data not saved when I close the window?
Data to be entered is always saved via the diskette symbol. save.png saved.
Closing a window directly allows resetting data that has not yet been saved.

up.png How can I cancel the search via an input field?
You can try to cancel a running transaction via the key combination 'Ctrl-F12'.
If this is not possible, you must be patient.

up.png How can I close all open windows at the same time?
Select 'Close all' in the last menu item 'Windows'.

up.png Why does ClassiX react® not respond to my mouse or keyboard input?
There are several reasons why ClassiX® does not respond to your input:
  • You have started a somewhat more extensive transaction, such as generating a longer list.
    cursorrdb.gifcursorwdb.gifcursordsp.gifcursorrdb_old.gifcursorwdb_old.gifcursordsp_old.gif Then you can see from the cursor that your computer is still working on it.
    (You can try to cancel the operation with the key combination 'Ctrl-F12').
  • The network connection is temporarily heavily loaded by other processes running via the server.
  • You have inadvertently not confirmed an information or error message, which occurs for example after an incorrect entry, with 'OK'. This then blocks the system until it is confirmed. You will find it on the start bar of your Windows environment.
  • The system has really crashed and you have to restart the computer.

up.pngDisplay problems - labels of buttons, checkboxes, etc. are displayed incompletely.
There are various reasons why the labelling of buttons, checkboxes etc. is not displayed correctly in ClassiX®:
  • You have set the Windows font size to over 100%. To ensure that the labelling is displayed correctly again, set the Windows font size back to the standard value of 100%.
    You can check and adjust this as follows:
    • Windows 7: Right-click on the desktop -> Adjustment -> click on Display in the new window at the bottom left.
    • Windows 7: Control Panel -> Appearance and Customisation -> Display
    • Windows 7, Vista, XP: Control Panel -> Display
  • You are using a computer with Windows XP on a widescreen monitor. Use a monitor that is compatible with the resolution used or use a newer operating system (Windows Vista, Windows 7) that can provide the required resolution of the monitor.

Printing (Word/BIRT/PDF)

up.pngGeneral problems when printing with Word (Word preview)
  • Write permission on temp?
  • Is Word still open in the background (possibly several times)?
    • End the Word process via the task manager
  • Is a Word file open that contains special formatting? (e.g. a Word document in which text blocks have been locked for the editor).
    • Close Word document
  • Double-click on filled OLE objects opens a notification window asking whether the macros of this document should be activated or deactivated.
    • Under Start (Word 2010) the option window is started with Option. Here the Security Centre can be selected and started with the button "Settings for the Security Centre". There, in the "Settings for macros" area, you can set how Word should behave when a document with macros is opened. If the macros are deactivated ("Deactivate all macros without notification"), the notification window no longer appears.

up.pngGeneral problems when creating PDF files
  • Why is the file created with the page order reversed?
    • In the printer settings of the AdobePSGenericPostScriptPrinter, change the page order to "From back to front".
  • Why is the PDF file created completely, with errors or not at all?
    • This may be caused by Windows spooling the print jobs.
      Change the print processing of the AdobePSGenericPostScriptPrinter from "Print pages in the background" or similar to "Direct print jobs to the printer" or similar.

up.pngContinuous text is wrapped incorrectly
  • Why is continuous text, e.g. in text modules defined in Word with headings (bold, etc.), wrapped incorrectly?
    Why does the heading appear on one page and the body text on the next?
    • Edit the body text and instead of a hard line break insert a soft one (SHIFT+ENTER) at the end of the heading, possibly format the following lines as normal text again, i.e. not bold etc.

up.pngPrinting from ClassiX® and the contents of the clipboard
  • Why did I lose the contents of the clipboardafter printing fromClassiX® or why does the clipboard now contain different data?
    • For printing, ClassiX® creates a Word document into which the individual modules are inserted via the Windows clipboard. Therefore, it is currently not possible to retain the old contents of the clipboard after printing (or a print preview etc.) in ClassiX®.

up.pngWhen sending an email, Outlook reports with an error message
  • Why does Outlook report an error message when sending an email and how can I get around this?
    • Sending emails from ClassiX can be done either via a corresponding printer driver or via Outlook. With the second option, sending can be disturbed by a message ("A foreign programme is trying...") from Outlook. This problem can be solved by installing the Advanced Security for Outlook programme.

up.pngMissing information in data fields (person, signature, ...)
  • Why does the cover letter of my letter (offer etc.) only say "Dear Sir or Madam," and not the person to whom the letter should be addressed?
    • For offers etc., the recipient of the letter must be entered in the contact person field so that this person appears in the cover letter.
  • Why does the cover letter of my letter (offer etc.) only say "Dear Sir or Madam" and not the person to whom the letter should be addressed although the contact person is entered?
    • If the contact person was inserted later, ClassiX® does not recognise it automatically. Press the button "Refresh" in the cover letter tab of the offer to display it correctly.
  • Why does my signature not appear in the cover letter of my letter (offer etc.) although I am entered as the editor?
    • The signature of the respective employee must be entered in the field Signature in the employee role.
  • (XML print) Why is the cover letter not printed although the option Print cover letter is set?
    • The cover letter must be stored in MS-WORD format.
  • Why are the document variables (example: << ordered.personInCharge.Speech(3,0,2) >>) not filled in the cover letter of my letter (offer etc.)?
    • The cover letter must be in MS-WORD format if document variables are to be filled in.
    • The document variables were not correctly inserted into the MS-WORD document, but simply copied or written. In this case, please follow this link to the description of how to insert document variables: Dynamic data fields (document variables)

up.pngWhen printing, the control cannot be processed -> Faulty installation, registration or licensing.
Possible cause:
This message occurs when the control to be accessed is faulty. Control can mean MS Word, a component of Microsoft WebCoponents2003, etc.
Check in the code which control is to be accessed.
If WebComponents2003 are faulty, they must be reinstalled.

A faulty Word document was created and attached to a ClassiX object. This Word document must be deleted and replaced with a new Word document.
To avoid the problem in the future, the user's profile must be reset. Check beforehand whether the error only occurs with the local user or whether the domain profile (if available) is affected.

up.png BIRT: Value in sum row is wrong
Possible cause:
This behaviour occurred in an English-language operating system environment with German ClassiX Locale (location).
Check config.ini in the BIRT Runtime folder.
The following entry must be added to config.ini in the BIRT runtime folder (%BIRT_HOME%\ReportEngine\configuration\):


This sets the locale hard to German, which makes the sum calculation correct again.

up.png When printing OLE or editing OLE objects, the message "Name of function not in MDI ..." appears.
When editing OLE objects in ClassiX or when OLE printing from ClassiX, the message:

CAll(ACTIVATE) OLE GetApplication

Possible cause:
  1. This message occurs when MS Word/Excel has choked.
  2. Third-party add-ins have changed the interface of MS Word/Excel so that it is no longer possible to communicate with ClassiX.
  3. MS Word/Excel is not responding because the application is currently busy.
  4. There is already document open with MS Word/Excel and cannot respond to ClassiX's request or cannot implement ClassiX's request with the document open.
  5. In rare cases, a registry entry of MS Word/Excel was made, making it almost impossible to work with MS Word/Excel from ClassiX's point of view.
  1. Open Task Manager and end the MS Word/Excel process.
  2. Deactivate all third-party add-ins.
  3. Wait until MS Word/Excel responds again or end the MS Word/Excel process in the Task Manager.
  4. Close document. Check whether a MS Word/Excel process remains open in the Task Manager. End this if necessary.
  5. This entry must be removed again. Problem: We do not know which entry it is. Therefore, the Windows profile must be deleted and recreated on the computer.

up.pngError. Unknown op-code for linked condition.
The expression with XML displays the following line: Error! Unknown op-code for linked condition
Possible cause:
In the document module, the call following an IF statement is not in quotes:
Determine document module and check all IF statements there and add missing inverted commas:

Afterwards, do not forget to convert the module

up.pngBarcode are not printed under Word
Barcodes entered in Word are not printed.
Possible cause:

With the field function

{ DisplayBarcode "http://www.microsoft.com" QR \q3 }

any barcodes can be printed under Word.

Link to further information.

up.pngConversion from these types to COM types is not yet supported
(sgn= 2055) -> VT_VARIANT (VARIANT *)|VT_BYREF
The following error is reported when printing with XML: Conversion from these types to COM types is not yet supported
(sgn= 2055) -> VT_VARIANT (VARIANT *)|VT_BYREF
Possible cause:

The form template cannot be accessed by the user.


The template was imported without Word.


Go to the form header and check the path of the template. Can all users reach it? Possibly use the variable CX_ROOTDIR so that the template can be accessed by everyone.

Switch to a computer with Word and open the form header again. Under the menu item "Edit" there is the function "Import XML template". Execute this.

You should then be able to print the form.

up.pngPrinting is no longer possible after changing the path to classix.dot
OLE error (please exit the OLE application if necessary)
Add(VT_BSTR (OLE Automation string), VT_ERROR (wrong value)):
Exception error occurred.
'Microsoft Word' reports Error 0x800a1436: Sorry, we could not find your file. Has it been moved, renamed or deleted?

Word usually uses the well-known classix.dot.

After changing the path, it can happen that the classix.dot is no longer found, although Word receives the path from us.

  • Basic data -> Data layout -> Documents -> Document modules
  • Select a module and open the stored Word document
  • File -> Options -> Add-Ins -> Manage -> Word Add-Ins -> Go
  • There may be several classix.dots here. If you select one, the path is displayed under the group.
    Remove all that can no longer be reached.
    If none remain, enter the correct classix.dot via "Add".
    ATTENTION: Do not tick the "Automatically update document format template" checkbox!

Job processing

up.png Information messages when changing the traffic light
Known advisory messages
Attention, the expression of the article ... is not permitted according to the restriction table.
In the sales role of the part mentioned in the advice message under the tab Additional data, there is a restriction in the group Characteristics of the button.
In this case, the permitted attribute combinations are stored there and if these do not match the specification in the item, the message is displayed.
Either the order item must be corrected or the restriction table must be extended.

Incoming invoices

up.png Rounding differences / account assignment messages due to currency translation
Possible cause
A conversion between the two currency units is hard defined in unit tables of one of the related parts:
Remove entry from the unit table

Stock statistics

Why do the values of the warehouse statistics for a part differ from the actual warehouse stock?
Possible causes
  • Due to months not being closed or bookings after the end of the month, there may be a difference between the warehouse statistics and the warehouse stock.
  • As described here, you can check which transactions are no longer correct and carry out the transactions again for all affected warehouse accounts.
  • If you do not want to carry out the monthly closings again, you can also take an inventory for the warehouse and part and select this as the starting point for the next warehouse closing (Warehouse statistics -> Closings -> Set initial values with inventory (only for selected entries)).

Online help (Infothek)

up.png How do I call up the online help in ClassiX?®?
Pressing the 'F1' key on your keyboard opens your default browser with the documentation page of the active ClassiX® window.

up.png Why does only one page appear in the browser, where are the individual navigation areas?
If you do not see the navigation areas, the Javascript function of your browser has been deactivated.

A current browser with activated Javascript is recommended to display the online help.

up.png How do I get targeted information on a specific topic or term?
The Infothek's built-in search function allows you to find information quickly and specifically.

up.png May I independently adapt/expand the content of the help?

This is only possible in the customised help if you have a user with the necessary rights.

The ClassiX system does not start up

The error messages that can occur even before the ClassiX System starts up are brought together here.

up.pngTheObjectStore Cache Manager service cannot be started.
After restarting the server, the ObjectStore Cache Manager service does not start automatically and cannot be started manually.
Possible cause:
A process or application called ObjectStore Cache Manager has already been started.
Open Task Manager and check whether a process or application called ObjectStore Cache Manager has already been started.
The started process/application ObjectStore Cache Manager must be terminated, then the service can be started.

up.pngClassiX cannot be started because ObjectStore cannot open a file.
The Cache Manager of ObjectStore was terminated unexpectedly on the terminal server and cannot be started manually.
Possible cause:
A process or application called ObjectStore Cache Manager has already been started on a terminal server user.
Open Task Manager and check whether a process or application called ObjectStore Cache Manager has already been started. (Set checkbox "All users")
The started process/application ObjectStore Cache Manager must be terminated, then the service can be started.

up.pngAfter starting the computer, the message "Cannot open application schema" appears when trying to start ClassiX.
Possible cause:
A process or application called ObjectStore Cache Manager has already been started.
Open Task Manager and check whether a process or application called ObjectStore Cache Manager has already been started. (Set checkbox "All users")
The started process/application ObjectStore Cache Manager must be terminated, then the service can be started.

up.pngThe Cache Manager is started as a process and not as a service.
When the system is started, the Cache Manager is started as a process and not as a service.
Possible cause:
ClassiX tries to find the already running Cache Manager at start-up and starts its own process if necessary. The two ObjectStore services start with a delay by default. If ClassiX is started before this grace period, a process is started instead of a service.
Show services (Windows key "Services"). Is "Automatic (Delayed Start)" written here behind "ObjectStore" for the start type?
Right click, properties, set start type to "Automatic".

up.png ObjectStore internal error: VirtualAlloc failed to allocate at any address
The ObjectStore database tries to allocate main memory space for itself before starting the system, which is no longer available on the computer.
Possible causes:
Too little main memory is installed on the computer or other programmes are running on the computer that have already almost completely used up the main memory space. The environment variable OS_AS_SIZE may also be set too high.
Close other programmes or lower the OS_AS_SIZE

up.pngClassiX does not start, but shows the error message "Server access control problem".
Server access control problem err-0025-1065 NT remote authentication response failed for host err_authentication_failure
Possible cause:
The database server is ObjectStore 7.3 without patch and the user's machine is outside the domain.
Execute the command osversion in the command prompt of the ObjectStore server. Alternatively, the file ../ODI7.3/OStore/Bin/osversion.bat can be executed. When the patch is installed, the following line is output:

ObjectStore Cumulative Patch Release

The patch must be installed on the server.

up.pngClassiX does not start, but shows the error message ObjectStore internal error
Possible cause:
There was a crash of the ObjectStore Cache Manager and the next ClassiX user started the Cache Manager as a process. All other users can then no longer start ClassiX.
Is an ObjectStore Cache Manager service or process running? (Check once for all users on the terminal server).
End the ObjectStore Cache Manager process and start the ObjectStore Cache Manager service.

up.pngClassiX does not start, but displays the error message ObjectStore internal error 2.
OS Iternal Error 32Bit Client 64Bit Server ADB
Possible cause:
The database server runs with a 64-bit version and is controlled by a 32-bit client. The client attracts 64-bit ADBs and not the required 32-bit ADBs.
Create a directory with the required 32-bit ADBs on the database server and tell the client where the required ADBs are located with the variable OS_SCHEMA_PATH.

up.pngClassiX does not start, but shows the error message "error during schema validation".
ObjectStore Error During Schema Validation
Possible cause:
A 32-bit ObjectStore client (with 32-bit ADBs) is trying to open a 64-bit ObjectStore database.
Install a 64-bit client or use a 32-bit database.

up.pngClassiX does not start, but shows the error message "RPC: Procedure unavailable".

32Bit CacheManager 64Bit ADBS Datenbank DB SERVER

Possible cause:
The database server is running with a 64-bit version and an attempt is made to open a 64-bit database with a 32-bit client.
The client must be updated to 64bit or a 32bit database must be used.

up.png ClassiX Start is indicated by the message: "Java.exe cannot be started. Please install Java".

Faq Java Installieren

Possible cause:

Java is not installed on the computer.

Cause analysis if Java is installed and the message still appears:

  • Click OK and open the monitor window in ClassiX (ALT+right mouse button) and execute the following code line:
    "CLASSPATH" SystemObject Call(GetEnvironment) SystemObject Call(Log)
  • In the log file (SystemOut folder) of the current ClassiX session, the content of the variable CLASSPATH was written.
  • Open the file and copy the path to the clipboard.
    Example: date time 46 * INFO cx.app - Y:\classix\main\Bin\alpha\4.6.0-os2013.0-vc11-32\birt-interface.jar;y:\birt-runtime-osgi-3_7_2\\ReportEngine\lib\*;
  • Open a command window and set the CLASSPATH variable to the value from the log file.
    Example: Set CLASSPATH=Y:\classix\main\Bin\alpha\4.6.0-os2013.0-vc11-32\birt-interface.jar;y:\birt-runtime-osgi-3_7_2\\ReportEngine\lib\*;
  • Then execute the following line of code in the command window:
    java.exe org.instantview.report.exec.ExecuteReportServer
  • The return values should provide information about why the message appears anyway
Please install Java so that BIRT reports can be generated.

up.png Crash directly after the start of ClassiX.
Only a few lines (7-9) are listed in the log file and SAP is installed on the computer....
Possible cause:

SAP has its own TAO DLLs and due to ACE's own routine for reloading the DLL during runtime, our DLLs are no longer found as long as SAP is present in the PATH.


Redefine PATH in our startup file so that our DLL, Java and ObjectStore can be found.


SET PATH=%CX_BIN%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171\bin;C:\ODI_2013.0\ostore\bin

Error messages in operational mode

Here are the error messages that can occur while working with the ClassiX system.

up.pngBlock nesting overflow

Recursive macro call may have a maximum of 16 levels. If there are more than one level, this error may occur.

Do loop instead of recursive macro call.

up.pngError iterating over a root entry point (REP) collection.
When iterating over objects of a REP collection, ClassiX® crashes as soon as work is done with the object(s), e.g. a slot is read out.
Possible cause:

The REP collection contains corrupt pointers.


Call: cxaosr /R CX_CLASS_NAME
Where CX_CLASS_NAME corresponds to the class name whose REP collection is likely to be defective.
The analysis tool then creates a file called "REPAnalyse.lst". One or more lines with "corrupt pointer..." proves that the REP collection is defective.

The REP collection must be repaired:
  1. Note down all indices. The indices can probably no longer be deleted via the Index Manager in the Workbench. After repairing, the indices are no longer available. To be able to rebuild them, it must be known which indices exist for the REP collection.
  2. Execute in the monitor window:
    BeginTXN CX_CLASS_NAME "cs.className" 0 GetManager(OBJECT) Call(RepairREPCollection)
    CX_CLASS_NAME and "cs.className" must be adjusted accordingly. "cs.className" is the name of the segment in which the REP collection is stored. The segment can be found out with the help of CLASSIX.ODB: The storage location is noted for each class (Class, PseudoClass). This location (Storage) also describes, among other things, the name of the segment that holds the REP collection (CSeg).
  3. After the REP collection has been repaired (this may take a few minutes), ClassiX® must be restarted.
  4. In the Index Manager, the old indices must now be deleted using the RemoveEntry() method. The old, now invalid indices are highlighted in red and are thus easy to find.
  5. In the last step, the indices can be rebuilt with the data that was noted in the first step.

up.pngThe cluster has been deleted
Possible cause:
Each master object has stored a Segment+Cluster tuple in the "clusterInfo" slot where new slave objects are to be stored. Due to a bug in an older version of ClassiX®, the value became negative.

The "clusterInfo" slot of the object (here: a job) is negative.

The slot must be deleted and the step that triggered the error message repeated. The slot is then created again and should then contain a positive number.

up.pngA hash function is missing
Possible cause:
An attempt was made to activate an index that is unsorted.

Double-click on the index entry in the Index Manager; "Ordered" should be set under "Sorting".

ClassiX® supports only sorted indices for most data fields, e.g. strings. As a rule, this is also what the user means, it was probably just forgotten to switch the index to ordered.

up.pngHard crash when displaying an object
Hard crash when trying to display an object. Display in the object inspector is also no longer possible.
Possible cause:
A slot is damaged and cannot be displayed correctly.
The object can still be retrieved with "GrabObject"; under certain circumstances, a "Get" to the broken slot also works. When calling methods of the broken slot (especially virtual methods), the crash occurs. This should then also be confirmed in the log file. One hundred percent verification is only possible with the debugger.
Delete the dynamic data field with "DeleteSlot". This may cause data to be lost, so you should first try to find out which data was stored in the slot. If this is only a basic object (CX_VALUE, CX_DATE etc.), then the operation is not critical. If the slot points to a business object, then this business object should be checked first.

up.pngHard crash when displaying an object (order).
Hard crash when trying to access an order. Display in the object inspector is also no longer possible.
Possible cause:

In this case, the order itself is damaged.

The error occurs as soon as the object is interacted with, i.e. both a query with the object as a subset and accesses via pointers to the object lead to a crash.
Suggested solutions:

An osverifydb run showed transactions in the order and compound segments whose transaction pointers point to any strings instead of CX_TRANSACTION objects:

The object at <d|classix01:C:\classix\solutions\REMPro\VPro\database\ST17591\VPro_Backup_ST00017591.cxd|2106|0|263ce568|10000> (type "CX_COMPOUND_TXN"), contains a pointer at <d|classix01:C:\classix\solutions\REMPro\VPro\database\ST17591\VPro_Backup_ST00017591.cxd|2106|0|263ce620|10000> (CX_COMPOUND_TXN::CX_TRANSACTION.transaction) incorrectly pointing to an object of mismatched type at <d|classix01:C:\classix\solutions\REMPro\VPro\database\ST17591\VPro_Backup_ST00017591.cxd|566|0|29c16760|10000>; the declared type "CX_TRANSACTION" is incompatible with the type of the target object (char[624]). The type of this object is "1 byte char".

These pointers would all need to be completely zeroed out, as any access to them is likely to cause a crash.
with the osview tool from ObjectStore you could take a look at these strings and maybe you can somehow figure out what went wrong there. The tool can also be used to zero through pointers, although with so many pointers it would probably be better to zero through them automatically (supposedly we have objectTools::SetNullPointerByOSVerfyDBFile for this)

As long as the field "uniqueID" is readable, one should be able to find the order concerned via a simple query. You probably only have to prevent the object from being displayed in the ClassiX shell, as this accesses some data fields and can lead to a crash here.
If the object is so broken that this does not work either, then you can rebuild the REP collection of the orders using CX_DB_UTILITY::RebuildCollection and the corrupt objects are thrown out and logged.
However, only objects that can no longer be recognised as derived from CX_CLASS are recognised as corrupt here. If the uniqueID pointer points to invalid memory, this is not recognised.

Another alternative to find the object would be to export the REP collection of the orders to a file using DumpCollection or ExportCollection (these files consist only of ObjectIds of the elements in text form), then read this file into InstantView and touch the objects individually and log out which object is currently being touched. If the process crashes, you can then see the address of the corrupt object in the log file.

Once you have the object address of the order, you can findthe pointers pointing to it using osverifydb -whohas seg:cluster:offset and then nuke them. This process takes a long time and if possible you should limit the segments to be searched and preferably also the clusters. (Parameters -segement_n, -start_cluster,-end_cluster)

up.pngHard crash when accessing an object within a collection (LogCube transactions)
Hard crash when accessing transactions within a LogCube.
Possible cause:

In this case, the object within the transactions slot is damaged.


The error occurs as soon as the object is interacted with, i.e. both a query with the object as a subset and accesses to the object via pointers lead to a crash.

As part of the analysis, a transactions collection containing a broken object was identified. Neither the transactions can be retrieved, nor can I identify this object, because dbUtils Call(GetCollection) and Copy(uniqueID) zum Crash führt.

Suggested solutions:

You can try to remove the corrupt object using :

logCube Get(transactions) TRUE GetManager(OBJECT) Call(GetDBUtility) Call (RebuildCollection)

This logs to the cx.txn logger at ERROR level which objects (with type and object address) were thrown out of the collection.

If this does not work and ClassiX crashes:

Since the object is broken (i.e. deleted or incorrectly typed), osverifydb should recognise this object as an invalid pointer in the collection.

If so, then you get the address of the pointer from the osverifydb log and could zero it with osverifydb (restricted to the segment+cluster) (-illegal_pointer_action null) and then there would only be a NULL pointer in the collection, which you can then easily remove from the collection using RebuildCollection (as above).

To determine only the address of the object in the collection, the method CX_DB_UTILITY::GetCollectionAddresses has been available since Dll version 235301, which outputs the database addresses of all objects contained in a collection (including corrupt objects) as a vector.

up.pngEvaluate3 - function can only call SendMsg if a MESSAGE is known.
Possible cause:
No MESSAGE has been defined with SetBindMessage to be called when a missing attribute is present.
Before the function call (e.g.: Call(Resolve) or Call(ResolveNew)), set a MESSAGE with the function SetBindMessage, with which the missing attribute is caught and processed further.

GET_VARIABLES = Query missing variables.

MISSING_VARIABLE = error message concerning missing attributes

up.png Timeout and deadlock messages
Possible cause:
This type of deadlock can occur when there are a large number of users trying to access the same database areas.
If these messages occur repeatedly so that you cannot continue working, please contact your IT department.
They can identify and contact the cause relatively quickly (if necessary via the log file) via the information on the "Conflicting client" contained in the message.
These blockades can be directly monitored by the IT department using client profiling and, if necessary, the responsible client (user) can be contacted/terminated.

up.pngError message with crash when accessing dictionaries (No database is assigned to this location).
Possible cause:
A dictionary entry can no longer be accessed
Crash when calling up via Object Inspector: System data - Search term dictionaries -> (Without upper/lower case).
Determination of the entry

Copy(uniqueID) SystemObject Call(Log)

Skip position to match value and check with working test system:

Index 10 = if { Drop continue }
Copy(uniqueID) SystemObject Call(Log)

If the entry does not contain any values or is not used, it can be removed (call in the object inspector):
Name of the root entry point (objectDictionaryCiL0) was determined via the storage entry in the ODB (CX_OBJECT_DICTIONARY_CI -> objectDictionaryCi).

FindAll(CX_OBJECT_DICTIONARY_CI) 10 Swap GetElement
"objectDictionaryCiL0" Swap dbUtil Call(RemoveFromREPCollection)

up.pngError message: Address space is full
Possible cause:
(1) It was started with a too small OS_AS_SIZE.
(2) The memory requirement is set to "much memory". (32-bit application only - button at the top right in the main toolbar).
(1) The recommended minimum value is 0x440000 (32bit) or 0x50000000 (64bit). The value should be set as high as possible.

(2) If the memory requirement is set to "much memory", then the address space handling has been switched off. Set the memory requirement to " little memory" and repeat the operation you want to perform.

up.png The connetion to the server was broken
Possible cause:
  1. The ObjectStore server is either not active or cannot be addressed via the network.
  2. The Windows firewall is blocking the port that the client needs to send feedback to the ObjectStore server.
  3. The database was set offline during the backup process, thus disconnecting all clients.
  1. Enter the command: ping in a command line.
    It returns the IP address of the server. If there is no reply (time-out), the computer on which the database server is running is not accessible in the network:
    Please establish a connection first!
    Enter the command: ossvrping in a DOS box. This can be used to check whether the objectstore database server is active. If it is not active, it must be started.
    To increase the speed of finding the database server, you can edit the file \system32\ drivers\etc\hosts. with a text editor (e.g. NotePad). If there is none, create it (Attention: NO file extension, NotePad uses .txt by default if no extension is given, therefore enter the closing '.' when saving). Insert the following line at the end:
    <ip-adresse> <server-name>
  2. The port 51031 TCP must be released in the client firewall settings (firewall exceptions).
    See Firewall Administration for details
  3. Start new session, contact internal IT department if necessary.

up.pngFormula processing error associated with UTF8 conversion.
Possible cause:

During conversion, the value of "YMBS=without" could not be reset because it no longer exists as a NUM entry.


Change value to existing entry. (Perforcehistory)

up.pngStatement Stub: Calling a (still) undefined statement.
Statement Stub
Possible cause:

In computer science, "stub" stands for a connecting point. If the "connecting point" also connects to the correct end point, it remains invisible.
In InstantView, Declare creates the stub, a subsequent Define replaces it with the "correct" macro.

In this case, the definition of the macro Test is missing. (Define(Test))


Define macro Test or adapt the Declare statement and the macro call accordingly.

up.pngFirewall notification at ClassiX start after ClassiX DLLs exchange.
Possible cause:
The path with the cx_osuo.ece is not released in the firewall.

Variant 1

Enter path in the Windoss firewall. (Problem is present again after an update of the ClassiX DLLs and must be released again).

Variant 2

Copy ClassiX DLL into a local directory and check at start-up whether the DLL version has changed (if so, then copy again). With this variant, the path only has to be released once in the firewall.

Variant 3

User is administrator on the local PC and can allow access.

up.pngNo manager object with this name existing WEB_SERVICE
Error No Webservice Object
Possible cause:
The specification of the DLL for the WebService is missing in the _customer_.ini.
Enter the DLL for the WebService in the _Customer_.ini: cxivsa_EXT_.

up.pngFailed to generate unique temporary file
Temporary files are created in ClassiX. If these files cannot be created, this message is displayed.
Possible cause:
  1. Write permissions missing
  2. The %TEMP% directory runs over before cxt#######.tmp files.
  3. Multiple ClassiX users share a Windows account and when logging off, the %TEMP% directory is deleted.
  1. Grant missing write permissions.
  2. InstantView code can be stored at status monitors, which is written to a temporary file during execution in order to be able to parse it. If the code cannot be parsed, the file remains. (cxt#######.tmp)
    Find the monitor that contains the wrong code and correct that code. Delete the accumulated cxt#######.tmp files.
  3. Either each ClassiX user gets their own Windows account or the script is only allowed to delete the part of the %TEMP% directory that is only used by that one user and not the rest of the folders and data of the other users.



up.pngUmlauts and special characters are not displayed correctly in the export file
Possible cause:
The created file was not converted to the ANSI code set.
Convert the file to the ASCI code set:

CreateTransObject(CX_ASCII_FILE) -> oFile
oFile Call(ANSICode)

Error handling TAPI

up.pngTAPI message Calls cannot be answered with this device. Watch device for voice calls

When the TAPI is called, this message is thrown:
Error TAPI WatchDeviceForVoiceCall


This Estos tool can be used to check the TAPI client.


up.pngTAPI call cannot be made. Make voice call
Error TAPI MakeVoiceCall

This tool from Ectos can be used to check the TAPI client.



up.pngPrint (create PDF) in MorphIT

In MorphIT, MS WORD cannot be used because MorphIT runs in the background and MS WORD was not developed to be used in the background.

One can work around this with LibreOffice:

  • Install LibreOffice
  • XML printing must be activated. (Adapt documents to XML printing if necessary).
  • If-conditions in the document must be removed, as LibreOffice cannot evaluate them.
  • Use a message that calls the procedure BatchPrintingSilentPDF or create your own message that does this.

A PDF now exists at the desired location, which can be processed further.

(e.g. filename SystemObject Call(OpenDocument) -> The document is downloaded into MoprhIT).

Operational business