
Working time model

Working time model



Working time models can be created and assigned for employees and cost centres. Events are used to define working times within a working time model. They are used to specify, for example, when the working day begins and ends and when or how long the breaks are. There are two different ways of specifying the target working time:

  1. The events "AZT start" and "AZT start" preset in the standard are stored in the model with their respective time as "normal" working time. If breaks (PAU) are also specified during this time, they are also stored in the model with their respective start and end times. The difference between the "AZT start" and "AZT start" times and the deduction of the break times then automatically results in the target working time.
  2. With the event "working day" preset in the standard, the target working time is specified directly.

In a working time model, it is usually also specified from when to when, e.g. the operating time (BZT) or the core time (KZT) is. On the basis of this data, the system can check when which time message (punch time) was sent by whom within or outside of these predefined frame times.

Through these working time models defined in this way, the capacity of the employee can be automatically determined and saved in capacity planning for a defined period of time. The system then recognises, for example, that the employee works 8 hours on Mondays and Tuesdays, but only 7 hours on Fridays.

In order for capacity planning to take these working times into account, the employee must be assigned to a time rule that refers to the "capacity planning rule". This is indicated on the time rule or directly on the employee if the employee does not clock in and the working time model is only to be used for his capacity planning.



Input window

This window is used to maintain working time models. You can select a working time model by entering the required number in the Number field and confirming with RETURN. If you want to open the list window, you can select the menu item "Search".

Menu itemDescription
Edit -
: Working time model entries 
: : : Insert eventInsert new event
: : Edit eventEdit event
: : Delete eventDelete event
CloseClose window
SearchCall up list window


 new.png Create new working time model
 save.png Save changes
 delete.png Delete working time model
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
 pin.png  pinned.png Create/edit notes


: NameName of the working time model
: working days per weekManual specification of how many days in a week the working time model should cover.
: CalculateThe number of working days is calculated on the basis of the events recorded and entered in the previous field "Working days in the week". You can use this to check whether the events recorded match the desired number of working days.
Weekly working time in hoursManually specify how much the total weekly working time should be in the working time model.
: CalculateThe total weekly working time is calculated on the basis of the events recorded and entered in the previous field "Weekly working time in hours". You can use this to check whether the events recorded match the desired weekly working time.
: without times default

This marker stands for working time models in which no target times are specified. The information "Working days per week" and "Weekly working time" are only informative; no individual working time events such as target times or break times can be recorded. Overtime is also not calculated, and absences are also only processed for information purposes.

Such working time models are to be applied to employees for whom no fixed working hours apply, such as students, temporary staff, etc.

: CheckThe working time model is checked for the correct sequence of events and re-issued. This button is only active if a working time model exists and has been saved.
 List of working hours
AssignmentsList of employees assigned to this working time model


OKChanges to the working time model are saved. If no changes have been made the button is locked.
NewThe input window is cleared.
DeleteThe displayed working time model is deleted.
CloseThe window is closed without saving changes. If you want to save the changes, you must press the "OK" button.


List window

Serves to list the working time models.

 new.png Create new working time model
 open.png Edit working time model
 delete.png Delete working time model
CX_VALIDITY.pngSet validity
 pin.png  pinned.png Create/edit notes


NameSort by name
EditThe current working time model is displayed in the input window.
NewAn empty input window opens.
DeleteThe selected working time model is deleted.
CloseThe window is closed.


Selection window

This window is used to select a working time model.

NameSort by name
OKThe selected working time model is adopted.
CloseThe selection is cancelled.


Related topics


Technical documentation



Working time model basic module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CHANGEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was changed 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CREATEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was generated 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_DELETEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was deleted 


Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceiver module
EDIT_WORK_TIME_MODELNULL or working time model objectCall up input window for working timeWorking time editing module


Working time model Editing module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
COMMENT_CHANGEDObjectComment has been changed 
EDIT_WORK_TIME_MODELNULL or working time model objectOpen input window for working time model 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CHANGEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was changed 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CREATEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was generated 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_DELETEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was deleted 
LIST_WORK_TIME_MODELCollection of working time model objects or NULLOpen list window for working time models 
LOAD_WORK_TIME_MODEL Import working time models 


Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceiver module
EDIT_COMMENTObjectOpen the input window for commentsComment editing module
EDIT_COST_CENTERNULL or cost centre objectCall the Job Accounting input window for working timeCost centre editing module
EDIT_WORK_TIME_MODELNULL or working time model objectCall up input window for working timeWorking time editing module
EDIT_WORK_TIME_KEEPERNULL or flexitime objectCall up input window for flexitimeFlexitime editing module


Working time model objectWorking time model was changed 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CREATEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was generated 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_DELETEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was deleted 
LIST_WORK_TIME_MODEL Open list window for working time modelWorking time editing module


Working time model selection module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CHANGEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was changed 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_CREATEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was generated 
WORK_TIME_MODEL_DELETEDWorking time model objectWorking time model was deleted 
SELECT_WORK_TIME_MODELCollection of working time model objects or NULL, recipient of the responseOpen selection window for working time model 


Sent messages
MessageParametersFunctionReceiver module
EDIT_WORK_TIME_MODELNULL or working time model objectOpen input window for working time modelWorking time editing module
WORK_TIME_MODEL_SELECTEDWorking time model object, recipientWorking time model was selected 

Operational business